Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Introduction Paragraph

 Salvador Dall once said "intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." To me this means if you don't peruse something that you desire with all that you have and not to let any obstacles get in your way then you don't really have ambition towards this. You have to have that drive to reach that which is your goal otherwise I wouldn't considered you to have ambition. This can be clearly seen in Now is The Time For Running when Deo fought the African soldiers for the sake of his friends. Deo was ambition because he has percerveriance, will power, and determination.

Monday, April 7, 2014

I choose this book since my theme i was searching for was ambition. To me ambition is when some greatly disires something and lets nothing get in the way of them achiveing that goal. I think this book will be about a young boy whose ambition is running or maybe soccer. He will be ridiculed by many people along the way maybe because of his ambition or maybe cause he is not very good. However with practice people will start to envy him.
It was december 28 2097  in Rome, Italy. Dante, Vergil, and Leo were about to do thier homework about life of a panda. They were flying home at light speed in thier hoover craft. Thier homework was to them was very difficult. It seemed to them this was rocket science.  When they completed thier assassiment the teacher said thier were was exceptional.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

" A hero is an ordinary individual who find the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles"
        -Christopher Reeve 
        ( "superman")

     Basically what is intended from this quote is a hero can be a anyone who faces adversity and overcomes it. It doesn't have to be someone with a big personality it can basically be a average individual. I do agree with this quote mainly because of the fact it say "an ordinary individual who finds the strength to face adversity"
If I had to pick who would be my hero from out all of the people I've encountered it would be tough. However the first person or people that would come up to mind would be my parents. Why well because I simply guess begin a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world. To have to raise your kids and have to work almost everyday to have a suitable home i guess is pretty tough.

I AM Deo

I am ambitious
I Wonder why I work so much
I hear people moch me
I see lots of struggles
I want to do what others say I cant
I am relentlious

I pretend to fit in
I feel left behind
I touch my dreams
I worry for my friends
I cry for my families pain
I am caring

I understand lifes pain
I say what I will do
I dream of the impossible
I try to do the impossible
I hope to win it all
I am determined